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We are counting down to the release of the new KiddieNomics website!

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KiddieNomics is a fun, informative and free kids webinar series educating kids age 8 - 13 years old about all aspects of financial literacy.

Our goal is to empower all kids to become Young Financial Literacy Ambassadors to help themselves, family, friends and community to be more financially literate. While developing a healthy relationship towards finances. KiddieNomics says to parents, “We get it! – and we’ll help your kids get it, too!” 

There is a disturbing lack of education regarding financial literacy being taught in schools, especially for primary aged children. As a result, we are growing a population with unhealthy habits that negatively impact their long term financial success. Especially in these difficult economic times, says Brown, “It’s never too early to start teaching kids about all aspects of financial literacy, Most kids don’t get any financial education at all, and understanding finances gives them a strong foundation that will create a successful financial future.”

The Kiddienomics Positive Habits Agenda: 12 Months to Unlock Success!


Welcome to the Positive Habits Agenda for Young Students, brought to you by Kiddienomics! This super cool book is all about helping YOU develop positive habits, set goals, and learn about money!


Every month, you’ll focus on a different health goal. But guess what? That’s not all! This agenda also teaches you daily affirmations and meditation to boost your confidence and calm your mind. How awesome is that?


With the Positive Habits Agenda, you’ll learn to make smart choices with your money, save up for cool stuff, and develop good study habits. Plus, you’ll discover the power of positive thinking and learn how to keep calm and focused.


Parents and teachers love this book because it helps you become responsible and independent. And guess what? Kiddienomics is here to support you every step of the way!


So get ready to be the best version of yourself! Grab the Positive Habits Agenda and join us on this exciting journey to success. You’ve got this, superstar!